Voices of Diana
Curator Anne Higonnet reflects on what is unique about Anna Hyatt Huntington’s Diana of the Chase in the history of art. Professor Higonnet is an art historian and the Ann Whitney Olin Professor at Columbia University / Barnard College.
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Poet and playwright Maxwell Anderson wrote a tribute to Anna Hyatt Huntington’s Diana of the Chase. The poem is read by Benjamin Swetland, a Columbia University student and gallery assistant at the Miriam and Ira D. Wallach Gallery.
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Art Historian, critic and artist Joan Snitzer comments on the sculpture, Anna Hyatt Huntington’s work, and public art by and about women. Professor Snitzer is a senior lecturer in Art History and Director of the Barnard Visual Arts Program.
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Classics scholar Helen Foley offers illuminating background on Diana/Artemis mythology. Professor Foley teaches at Columbia and Barnard with interest areas in Greek literature, women and gender in antiquity, and classical drama. Listen to MP3 |
Barnard Art History student Katie Lauricella shares a personal connection to the Diana of the Chase sculpture and some background on Anna Hyatt Huntington’s relationship with the New York Academy of Design.
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Add your thoughts to our visitor voices project by using the voice recorder, memo / note function on your smart phone and email your audio message to [email protected].
Voices on Diana was conceived of and organized by Lisa Heller
Voices on Diana was conceived of and organized by Lisa Heller